To watch the video tutorial, click here.
Only Account Managers can add, edit or remove emergency contacts. (What's the difference between an Account Manager and an Emergency Contact? Click here to find out.)
Managing Emergency Contacts from the SOFIHUB mobile app
To ADD an Emergency Contact
1. Open the app
2. Click on the menu icon at the top left of the screen (it looks like 3 horizontal lines)
3. Tap on the device you wish to manage the contacts for and a drop down menu will appear
4. Tap on Emergency Contact
5. Tap on the blue circle with the + sign at the bottom right of the screen
6. Enter the contact's name and phone number
7. We recommend you toggle the Contact via Phone and Contact via SMS toggles to the right so the Emergency Contact can be contacted via both phone and SMS in case of an emergency.
8. Tap Add Contact
To EDIT an Emergency Contact
1. Open the app
2. Click on the menu icon at the top left of the screen (it looks like 3 horizontal lines)
3. Tap on the device you wish to manage the contacts for and a drop down menu will appear
4. Tap on Emergency Contact
5. A list of Emergency Contacts will appear on the screen. Tap on the Emergency Contact you would like to edit or remove
6. To edit the contact, tap on their name or phone number and edit as required. You can also edit whether they are contacted via phone, SMS, or both, using the toggles. We recommend that Emergency Contacts be contacted by both methods.
7. Tap Update Contact
To REMOVE an Emergency Contact
1. Open the app
2. Click on the menu icon at the top left of the screen (it looks like 3 horizontal lines)
3. Tap on the device you wish to manage the contacts for and a drop down menu will appear
4. Tap on Emergency Contact
5. A list of Emergency Contacts will appear on the screen. Tap on the Emergency Contact you would like to remove
6. Tap Remove
7. You will be asked to confirm deletion. Tap Remove.
Managing Emergency Contacts from the SOFIHUB online portal
1. Sign in to the portal here.
2. Click on the device you with the manage the Emergency Contacts for.
3. Click on Settings in menu on the left side of the screen.
4. Scroll down and click on the "Update or change emergency contacts" button.
To ADD an Emergency Contact
1. Scroll down to the second section and click on the blue "Add another number" button. A new field will appear called New Contact 1 if you do not have any emergency contacts programmed. If you already have some emergency contacts in there, a new field will appear at the bottom of the existing emergency contacts.
2. Enter Emergency Contact's name and phone number.
3. The Call Phone and Send SMS toggles will be automatically set in the "on" position. We recommend that these are left in the on position so that in event of an emergency, the emergency contacts will be notified via both methods.
4. Click on the blue Save button.
To EDIT an Emergency Contact
1. Scroll down to the second section and click on the blue Edit button at the bottom of the emergency contacts.
2. Edit the names and numbers as required.
3. If you would like to change the order in which the contacts are notified in case of an emergency, you can do so by clicking on the arrows on the left of the names. Clicking the Up arrow moves that contact up the list, clicking the Down arrow moves that contact down the list.
4. Click the blue Save button.
To REMOVE an Emergency Contact
1. Scroll down to the second section and click on the blue Edit button at the bottom of the emergency contacts.
2. To the right of the contact you wish to remove, click the Remove link.
3. You will be asked another time if you wish to remove this contact, click on Yes.
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